The Wall Street Journal stated in an article (08/15/02) “Silent Signals” Security Concerns Brings New Focus On Body Language.

Body Language used to be something teenagers paid attention on first dates. But since 9/11, the science of spotting and sorting out nervous but innocent behavior from deceptive and threatening behavior is gaining newfound respect among law-enforcement officials particularly as a way to prevent terrorism.

* Effective Training Has Never Been More Vitally Important Since 9/11!

“Behavior Analysis Profiling Training is not a new phenomenon to Rovertech International Inc. Its founder, (R) US Customs Supervisory Inspector Prospero M. Ellis created the system, and thought Observational Techniques and Behavior Analysis for more than 30 years.

In 1981, while at US Customs, Miami International Airport, Prospero M. Ellis conceived, developed, implemented and taught courses on Observational Techniques and Behavior Analysis, which streamlines passengers inspection flow by identifying with increased speed and accuracy that minute percentage of individuals who may require closer scrutiny, detection and apprehension. This system is still currently been used by the new Homeland Security, Department of Customs and Border Protection to assess and evaluate passenger’s behavior during the Customs examination process and determine the appropriate action to be taken.

* Usable, Field Tested Techniques

The “arts” of smuggling, shoplifting, commercial fraud and terrorism are constantly evolving, and picking out the violators from among the tens of thousands of honest people who you routinely come in contact with in performance of your official duties can be like watching cars stream by at rush hour while trying to figure out which drivers have valid licenses.

Rovertech’s training how to accurately and effectively spot, detect and interdict someone who is trying to “break your rules” is based on the techniques perfected by Prospero M. Ellis, the ace US Customs Supervisory Inspector who personally “popped” more than 2,000 would be drug smugglers, intercepting millions of dollars worth of narcotics in the process. And who initiated the concept and teams now featured on the National Geographic show, “To Catch a Smuggler.”


Teaches the all important basics in such critically essential areas of Observation, Behavior Analysis, Deception Detection and more carefully designed combination of 8 powerful, clearly focused, easy to understand training sessions.

After successfully completing this seminar, your personnel should be able to:

* Identify those individuals who pose the greatest threat and may require closer scrutiny, detection and apprehension

* Understand the psychological stress experienced by a violator

* Correctly assess the visual profile of a potential violator who fit certain characteristics

* Understand the difference between Psychological and Physiological behavior