History of the U.S. Customs “Rover Teams”

Starting in 1982, Prospero Ellis conceived and implemented the “Rover Concept” utilizing Observational Techniques and Behavior Analysis, at U.S. Customs Miami. Subsequently, he was directed by then Commissioner of Customs William Von Rabb, to implement the concept at all major U.S. Customs ports of entry as well as the Mexican and Canadian borders.

Then, throughout the years (1985-1995) many foreign Customs Departments, Drugs Task Forces, and Military Investigators (OSI, CID and NIS) from the three military branches. sent their Officers to Miami, to receive Rover training in order to become acquainted with this revolutionary concept. Upon returning to their respective countries and incorporating the Rover Concept’s techniques with their own established interdiction methodology, they have endured massive success in their law enforcement endeavors.

These training programs were most successful and many countries today, utilize these techniques in their ongoing approach to Drug Smuggling, Illegal Immigration, Airline Security, Airport Security and General Law Enforcement procedures.

Deployment of Rover Teams – The Americas and The Caribbean

In March of 1996, after 30 years of a successful law enforcement career, Supervisory Inspector Prospero M. Ellis retired from U.S. Customs and founded Rovertech International Inc. a Security & Detection Consulting firm, which provides systematic and quality training, guidance and services to both domestic and foreign Customs, Immigration, Agriculture Departments, DEA, State Police / Highway Patrol Highway Interdiction Teams, Domestic Airport Police Drug Interdiction Teams, Law Enforcement Agencies, Airlines Security Personnel, Airport Security Screeners, Cruise Ship’s Security and Private Industries Risk Management Teams.

Supervisory Inspector (R) Prospero M. Ellis dedicated his life teaching and coaching officers on how to refine their “Detection Skills”. through usable, field tested techniques! The Miami Herald News called Prospero Ellis “the Human Lie Detector”. If you watch the show “To Catch a Smuggler” on National Geographic, you will see systems, procedures, techniques, and tools developed by Prospero M. Ellis that are still relevant today.

His ability to teach officers the “Detection of Deception, is summarized on the Knowledge of the intent, coupled with the Consequence of the Detection”! “Every “Violator”, before they attempt to break your rules, they own the knowledge of their intent, so based on that knowledge they are consciously aware of the consequence they would suffer if detected. Therefore, consciously and/or unconsciously their body language will betray them, either verbally or non-verbally!

Our Observational Techniques and Behavior Analysis Training will assist your personnel, to increase their confidence level and prepare them to spot & identify those individuals involved in illegal activities relevant to your mission.

Let Us know, how we can help you…